Conlan CM1200EMV, classic, black

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CM1200EMV Classic code, Mifare and NFC keyboard, black
EUR 374.83 InStock Available in stock
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Conlan Classic CM 1200EMV PIN and Mifare reader Combined PIN and Mifare reader from Conlan. PIN code Get rid of keys and cards, and open one or more doors with your own personal code. Access control with PIN code is our best-selling product. The code keyboard is built with capacitive touch, which provides optimal comfort and durability – the keyboard reacts to the energy from your finger and does not wear out during use, as there are no moving parts under the keys. Mifare/Desfire/NFC By using mifare technology, the advantage is that a single card can contain a lot of different information. This means that, for example, in your company you can equip your employees with one card that both unlocks the doors, gives access to certain machines and can be used for payment in the canteen. With NFC, it is possible to gain access via your mobile phone or smartwatch. Works in the same way as when paying in store Programming Our wiegand readers can be programmed to many different bit formats between 4-58, where it comes in wiegand format 26 bits as standard. Therefore, the wiegand reader can communicate with many different central units. more information Adjustable bit settings Wiegand output Singlekey and mastermode Setting on site for all wiegand communication IP67 Customized front labels 8 core 2.5 meter cable

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